American Cooking: The Great West: Recipes

6 cups chicken stock, fresh or canned
1/4 cup strained fresh lemon juice
1 cup coldwater combined with 1 tablespoon strained fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup light cream
With a small sharp knife, trim about 1/8 inch off the stem end of each artichoke and peel the tough outer skin from the remaining stem. Cut the artichokes lengthwise in half, drop them into a 4- to 5-quart enameled or stainless-steel saucepan, and pour in the chicken stock and the 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan partially and simmer the artichokes for 20 to 30 minutes or until their bases show no resistance when pierced with the point of a small sharp knife.
With tong, or a slotted spoon, transfer the artichokes to a cutting board. Cut or pull off the green artichoke leaves, return them to the saucepan, and simmer partially covered for 10 minutes longer.
Meanwhile, cut or pull the thistle like yellow leaves and hairy inner chokes away from the artichoke bottoms (drawings, opposite) and discard them. Trim the artichoke bottoms and drop them into a bowl and pour the water-and-lemon-juice mixture over them. Set the bottoms aside; they can safely wait at room temperature for 2 or 3 hours.
Scoop the green leaves out of the stock with a slotted spoon. With a teaspoon, scrape the soft flesh from each artichoke leaf. Return the pulp to the stock and discard the scraped leaves. Simmer the stock, partially covered, for 30 minutes more, and then purée the mixture through a food mill set over a bowl or rub it through a fine sieve with the back of a spoon.
In a heavy 3- to 4-quart saucepan, melt the butter over moderate heat. When the foam begins to subside, add the shallots and stir for about 5 minutes, or until they are soft and translucent but not brown. Mix in the flour and stir over low heat for 2 or 3 minutes to remove the taste of raw flour. Stirring the mixture constantly, pour in the artichoke purée in a slow, thin stream and cook over high heat until the soup comes to a boil, thickens slightly and is smooth. Stir in the cream, simmer for 2 or 3 minutes, then taste for seasoning. Pour the soup into a bowl and cool it to room temperature. Cover with foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 or 2 hours, or until the soup is thoroughly chilled.
Just before serving, rinse the artichoke bottoms briefly under cold running water, pat them completely dry with paper towels and cut them into 1/4-inch dice. Pour the soup into a chilled tureen or individual soup plates, scatter the pieces of artichoke bottom on top and serve at once.
Diced artichoke bottoms, like the ones scattered over the chilled artichoke soup, are among the most elegant of all vegetable garnitures. Care must be taken, however, in freeing a whole artichoke bottom for dicing.
(1) The bottom (B) is situated at the base of the artichoke, below the hairy choke (A), as shown in this cross section.
(2) Cut or pull off the green outside leaves.
(3) Cut off the yellow thistle like leaves (part of the choke will be removed along with them) and discard them.
(4) Pull or cut off the remainder of the choke. Then trim the edges of the bottom, cutting away as little as possible, and peel off the tough outer skin of the stem end. (When artichoke bottoms are served whole, the stem should be removed. But for a soup garniture, the stem may be diced with the artichoke bottom.) Immerse the artichoke bottom in lemon juice and water to prevent discoloration and let it stand at room temperature until you are ready to dice and serve it.
Total Calorie: 1420.758
Total Protein: 56.6091375
Total Total_Fat: 86.997365
Total Ash: 14.8533225
Total Carbohydrate: 112.2141275
Total Fiber: 18.786625
Total Sugar: 38.3223275
Total Calcium: 0.43240475
Total Iron: 0.00832288
Total Magnesium: 0.2887505
Total Phosphorus: 0.942991
Total Potassium: 3.20607225
Total Sodium: 2.552639
Total Zinc: 0.00464836
Total Copper: 0.001635384
Total Manganese: 0.0010166885
Total Selenium: 4.9265125E-05
Total Vit_C: 0.07381675
Total Thiamin: 0.00094685625
Total Riboflaven: 0.001996121
Total Niacin: 0.0274584555
Total Panto_Acid: 0.002408685
Total Vit_B6: 0.001471642
Total Folate_Tot: 0.34861575
Total Folic_Acid: 0.0240625
Total Food_Folate: 0.32455325
Total Folate_DFE: 0.36549075
Total CholineTot: 0.2892845
Total Vit_B12: 0.00038428
Total Vit_A: 2.3751235
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0.646296
Total Retinol: 0.632164
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.16111075
Total Beta_Crypt: 0.00305
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 1.54314125
Total Vit_E: 0.0021527925
Total Vit_D: 0.00264
Total Vit_D_IU: 0.1056
Total Vit_K: 0.057106875
Total FA_Sat: 0.04355843475
Total FA_Mono: 0.02593208875
Total FA_Poly: 0.00611134375
Total Cholesterol: 0.24586
Breakdown By Ingredients:
Two 12- to 14-ounce artichokes
Number of Grams: 324
Total Moisture: 275.2056
Total Calorie: 152.28
Protein: 10.5948
Total Fat: 0.486
Total Ash: 3.6612
Total Carbohydrate: 34.0524
Total Fiber: 17.496
Total Sugar: 3.2076
Total Calcium: 142.56
Total Iron: 4.1472
Total Magnesium: 194.4
Total Phosphorus: 291.6
Total Potassium: 1198.8
Total Sodium: 304.56
Total Zinc: 1.5876
Total Copper: 0.74844
Total Manganese: 0.82944
Total Seleneium: 0.648
Total Vit_C: 37.908
Total Thiamin: 0.23328
Total Riboflavin: 0.21384
Total Niacin: 3.38904
Total Panto_Acid: 1.09512
Total Vit_B6: 0.37584
Total Folate_Tot: 220.32
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 220.32
Total Folate_DFE: 220.32
Total Choline_Tot: 110.16
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 42.12
Total Vit_A_RAE: 3.24
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 25.92
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 1503.36
Total Vit_E: 0.6156
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 47.952
Total FA_Sat: 0.11664
Total FA_Mono: 0.0162
Total FA_Poly: 0.20736
Total Cholesterol: 0
6 cups chicken stock, fresh or canned
Number of Grams: 1440
Total Moisture: 1326.96
Total Calorie: 518.4
Protein: 36.288
Total Fat: 17.28
Total Ash: 9.072
Total Carbohydrate: 50.832
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 22.752
Total Calcium: 43.2
Total Iron: 3.024
Total Magnesium: 57.6
Total Phosphorus: 388.8
Total Potassium: 1512
Total Sodium: 2059.2
Total Zinc: 2.016
Total Copper: 0.7776
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 31.68
Total Vit_C: 2.88
Total Thiamin: 0.504
Total Riboflavin: 1.224
Total Niacin: 22.8096
Total Panto_Acid: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0.8784
Total Folate_Tot: 72
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 72
Total Folate_DFE: 72
Total Choline_Tot: 129.6
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 43.2
Total Vit_A_RAE: 14.4
Total Retinol: 14.4
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 14.4
Total Vit_E: 0.432
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 2.88
Total FA_Sat: 4.6224
Total FA_Mono: 8.3808
Total FA_Poly: 3.0672
Total Cholesterol: 43.2
1/4 cup strained fresh lemon juice
Number of Grams: 76.25
Total Moisture: 70.386375
Total Calorie: 16.775
Protein: 0.266875
Total Fat: 0.183
Total Ash: 0.160125
Total Carbohydrate: 5.26125
Total Fiber: 0.22875
Total Sugar: 1.9215
Total Calcium: 4.575
Total Iron: 0.061
Total Magnesium: 4.575
Total Phosphorus: 6.1
Total Potassium: 78.5375
Total Sodium: 0.7625
Total Zinc: 0.038125
Total Copper: 0.0122
Total Manganese: 0.00915
Total Seleneium: 0.07625
Total Vit_C: 29.50875
Total Thiamin: 0.0183
Total Riboflavin: 0.0114375
Total Niacin: 0.0693875
Total Panto_Acid: 0.0998875
Total Vit_B6: 0.035075
Total Folate_Tot: 15.25
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 15.25
Total Folate_DFE: 15.25
Total Choline_Tot: 3.8125
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 4.575
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.7625
Total Beta_Crypt: 3.05
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 11.4375
Total Vit_E: 0.114375
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0
Total FA_Sat: 0.0305
Total FA_Mono: 0.004575
Total FA_Poly: 0.0160125
Total Cholesterol: 0
1 cup coldwater combined with 1 tablespoon strained fresh lemon juice
Number of Grams: 237
Total Moisture: 236.763
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 0.237
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 7.11
Total Iron: 0
Total Magnesium: 2.37
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Potassium: 0
Total Sodium: 9.48
Total Zinc: 0.0237
Total Copper: 0.0237
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Niacin: 0
Total Panto_Acid: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0
Total FA_Sat: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
2 tablespoons butter
Number of Grams: 28.4
Total Moisture: 5.09496
Total Calorie: 203.628
Protein: 0.2414
Total Fat: 23.03524
Total Ash: 0.02556
Total Carbohydrate: 0.01704
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.01704
Total Calcium: 6.816
Total Iron: 0.00568
Total Magnesium: 0.568
Total Phosphorus: 6.816
Total Potassium: 6.816
Total Sodium: 3.124
Total Zinc: 0.02556
Total Copper: 0.004544
Total Manganese: 0.001136
Total Seleneium: 0.284
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.00142
Total Riboflavin: 0.009656
Total Niacin: 0.011928
Total Panto_Acid: 0.03124
Total Vit_B6: 0.000852
Total Folate_Tot: 0.852
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0.852
Total Folate_DFE: 0.852
Total Choline_Tot: 5.112
Total Vit_B12: 0.04828
Total Vit_A_IU: 709.716
Total Vit_A_RAE: 194.256
Total Retinol: 190.564
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 44.872
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0.65888
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 1.988
Total FA_Sat: 14.338876
Total FA_Mono: 6.65412
Total FA_Poly: 0.85484
Total Cholesterol: 61.06
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
Number of Grams: 20
Total Moisture: 15.96
Total Calorie: 14.4
Protein: 0.5
Total Fat: 0.02
Total Ash: 0.16
Total Carbohydrate: 3.36
Total Fiber: 0.64
Total Sugar: 1.574
Total Calcium: 7.4
Total Iron: 0.24
Total Magnesium: 4.2
Total Phosphorus: 12
Total Potassium: 66.8
Total Sodium: 2.4
Total Zinc: 0.08
Total Copper: 0.0176
Total Manganese: 0.0584
Total Seleneium: 0.24
Total Vit_C: 1.6
Total Thiamin: 0.012
Total Riboflavin: 0.004
Total Niacin: 0.04
Total Panto_Acid: 0.058
Total Vit_B6: 0.069
Total Folate_Tot: 6.8
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 6.8
Total Folate_DFE: 6.8
Total Choline_Tot: 2.2
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0.8
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.6
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 1.6
Total Vit_E: 0.008
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0.16
Total FA_Sat: 0.0034
Total FA_Mono: 0.0028
Total FA_Poly: 0.0078
Total Cholesterol: 0
2 tablespoons flour
Number of Grams: 15.625
Total Moisture: 1.8625
Total Calorie: 56.875
Protein: 1.6140625
Total Fat: 0.153125
Total Ash: 0.0734375
Total Carbohydrate: 11.9234375
Total Fiber: 0.421875
Total Sugar: 0.0421875
Total Calcium: 2.34375
Total Iron: 0.725
Total Magnesium: 3.4375
Total Phosphorus: 16.875
Total Potassium: 16.71875
Total Sodium: 0.3125
Total Zinc: 0.109375
Total Copper: 0.0225
Total Manganese: 0.1065625
Total Seleneium: 5.296875
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.12265625
Total Riboflavin: 0.0771875
Total Niacin: 0.9225
Total Panto_Acid: 0.0684375
Total Vit_B6: 0.006875
Total Folate_Tot: 28.59375
Total Folic_Acid: 24.0625
Total Food_Folate: 4.53125
Total Folate_DFE: 45.46875
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0.3125
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.15625
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 12.34375
Total Vit_E: 0.0359375
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0.046875
Total FA_Sat: 0.02421875
Total FA_Mono: 0.01359375
Total FA_Poly: 0.06453125
Total Cholesterol: 0
1 cup light cream
Number of Grams: 240
Total Moisture: 178.824
Total Calorie: 458.4
Protein: 7.104
Total Fat: 45.84
Total Ash: 1.464
Total Carbohydrate: 6.768
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 8.808
Total Calcium: 218.4
Total Iron: 0.12
Total Magnesium: 21.6
Total Phosphorus: 220.8
Total Potassium: 326.4
Total Sodium: 172.8
Total Zinc: 0.768
Total Copper: 0.0288
Total Manganese: 0.012
Total Seleneium: 11.04
Total Vit_C: 1.92
Total Thiamin: 0.0552
Total Riboflavin: 0.456
Total Niacin: 0.216
Total Panto_Acid: 1.056
Total Vit_B6: 0.1056
Total Folate_Tot: 4.8
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 4.8
Total Folate_DFE: 4.8
Total Choline_Tot: 38.4
Total Vit_B12: 0.336
Total Vit_A_IU: 1574.4
Total Vit_A_RAE: 434.4
Total Retinol: 427.2
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 88.8
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0.288
Total Vit_D: 2.64
Total Vit_D_IU: 105.6
Total Vit_K: 4.08
Total FA_Sat: 24.4224
Total FA_Mono: 10.86
Total FA_Poly: 1.8936
Total Cholesterol: 141.6