Pasta Fresca con Uova
To make about 3/4 pound
1 1/2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
1 egg
1 egg white
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
A few drops of water

   The recipe explains how to make - by hand or with the aid of a pasta machine - the basic dough for egg noodles. Using this recipe, you can cut the dough into a variety of sizes and shapes to prepare cannelloni, tortellini, ravioli, tagliarini, fettuccine, tagliatelle and lasagne.

   Pour the flour into a large mixing bowl or in a heap on a pastry board, make a well in the center of the flour and in it put the egg, egg white, oil and salt. Mix together with a fork or your fingers until the dough can be gathered into a rough ball. Moisten any remaining dry bits of flour with drops of water and press them into the ball.

   TO MAKE PASTA BY HAND: Knead the dough on a floured board, working in a little extra flour if the dough seems sticky. After about 10 minutes, the dough should be smooth, shiny and elastic. Wrap it in wax paper and let the dough rest for at least 10 minutes before rolling it.

   Divide the dough into 2 balls. Place 1 ball on a floured board or pastry cloth and flatten it with the palm of your hand into an oblong about 1 inch thick. Dust the top lightly with flour. Then, using a heavy rolling pin, start at one end of the oblong and roll it out lengthwise away from yourself to within an inch or so of the farthest edge. Turn the dough crosswise and roll across its width. Repeat turning and rolling the dough, until it is paper thin. If at any time the dough begins to stick, lift it carefully and sprinkle more flour under it.

   To make cannelloni, tortellini and ravioli, follow the cutting directions in those recipes ( page 28 , 27 and 26 ) . To make tagliarini, fettuccine, tagliatelle and lasagne, dust the rolled dough lightly with flour and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Then gently roll the dough into a jelly-roll shape. With a long sharp knife, slice the roll crosswise into even strips-1/8 inch wide for tagliarini, 1/4 inch wide for fettuccini or tagliatelle, and 1/2 to 2 inches wide for lasagne. Unroll the strips and set them aside on wax paper. In the same fashion, roll, shape and slice the second half of the dough.

   A PASTA MACHINE will do both the kneading and rolling. Pull off about a third of the dough at a time, set the smooth rolls of the pasta machine as far apart as possible and feed the piece of dough through them. Reroll this strip 4 or 5 more times, folding under the ragged edges and dusting the dough lightly with flour if it feels sticky. When the dough is smooth, shiny and elastic, it has been kneaded enough. Now start to roll it out, setting the machine to the second notch and feeding the dough through with the rolls closer together. Then set the machine at the third notch and roll the dough thinner. Repeat, changing the notch after each rolling, until the dough is about 1/16 inch thick.

   To make tagliarini, feed the dough through the narrow cutting blades of the pasta machine; to make fettuccine or tagliatelle, feed it through the wide blades. For lasagne, roll the dough into a jelly-roll shape and cut it by hand into 1 1/2- to 2-inch-wide strips.

   Homemade egg noodles may be cooked at once or covered tightly with plastic wrap and kept in the refrigerator for as long as 24 hours. Cook them in 6 to 8 quarts of rapidly boiling salted water for 5 to 10 minutes, or until just tender (al dente). To test, lift out a strand and taste it.

Customer: Login to Add Recipe Data to Diet Tracker
Time :
Average Servings per Recipe is: 4
Total Moisture: 89.56611875
Total Calorie: 890.5
Total Protein: 29.24575
Total Total_Fat: 20.1486
Total Ash: 7.60738125
Total Carbohydrate: 143.68215
Total Fiber: 5.0625
Total Sugar: 0.92555
Total Calcium: 0.0600169375
Total Iron: 0.0096968
Total Magnesium: 0.0509423125
Total Phosphorus: 0.30645
Total Potassium: 0.08894
Total Sodium: 0.06925
Total Zinc: 0.001973423125
Total Copper: 0.000315413125
Total Manganese: 0.00130238
Total Selenium: 8.55185E-05
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.001493195
Total Riboflaven: 0.00129962
Total Niacin: 0.01114215
Total Panto_Acid: 0.00165045
Total Vit_B6: 0.00016915
Total Folate_Tot: 0.367945
Total Folic_Acid: 0.28875
Total Food_Folate: 0.079195
Total Folate_DFE: 0.570445
Total CholineTot: 0.14683
Total Vit_B12: 0.0004747
Total Vit_A: 0.27375
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0.08
Total Retinol: 0.08
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.001875
Total Beta_Crypt: 0.0045
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0.399625
Total Vit_E: 0.0028935
Total Vit_D: 0.001
Total Vit_D_IU: 0.041
Total Vit_K: 0.0088395
Total FA_Sat: 0.003717705
Total FA_Mono: 0.01184186
Total FA_Poly: 0.00315048
Total Cholesterol: 0

Breakdown By Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups unsifted all-purpose flour

Number of Grams: 187.5
Total Moisture: 22.35
Total Calorie: 682.5
Protein: 19.36875
Total Fat: 1.8375
Total Ash: 0.88125
Total Carbohydrate: 143.08125
Total Fiber: 5.0625
Total Sugar: 0.50625
Total Calcium: 28.125
Total Iron: 8.7
Total Magnesium: 41.25
Total Phosphorus: 202.5
100 g Total Potassium: 0Total Potassium: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 1.3125
Total Copper: 0.27
Total Manganese: 1.27875
Total Seleneium: 63.5625
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 1.471875
Total Riboflavin: 0.92625
Total Niacin: 11.07
Total Panto_Acid: 0.82125
Total Vit_B6: 0.0825
Total Folate_Tot: 343.125
Total Folic_Acid: 288.75
Total Food_Folate: 54.375
Total Folate_DFE: 545.625
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 3.75
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 1.875
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 148.125
Total Vit_E: 0.43125
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0.5625
Total FA_Sat: 0.290625
Total FA_Mono: 0.163125
Total FA_Poly: 0.774375
Total Cholesterol: 0

1 egg

Number of Grams: 50
Total Moisture: 38.075
Total Calorie: 71.5
Protein: 6.28
Total Fat: 4.755
Total Ash: 0.53
Total Carbohydrate: 0.36
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.185
Total Calcium: 28
Total Iron: 0.875
Total Magnesium: 6
Total Phosphorus: 99
100 g Total Potassium: 166Total Potassium: 83
Total Sodium: 61
Total Zinc: 0.645
Total Copper: 0.036
Total Manganese: 0.014
Total Seleneium: 15.35
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.02
Total Riboflavin: 0.2285
Total Niacin: 0.0375
Total Panto_Acid: 0.7665
Total Vit_B6: 0.085
Total Folate_Tot: 23.5
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 23.5
Total Folate_DFE: 23.5
Total Choline_Tot: 146.5
Total Vit_B12: 0.445
Total Vit_A_IU: 270
Total Vit_A_RAE: 80
Total Retinol: 80
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 4.5
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 251.5
Total Vit_E: 0.525
Total Vit_D: 1
Total Vit_D_IU: 41
Total Vit_K: 0.15
Total FA_Sat: 1.563
Total FA_Mono: 1.829
Total FA_Poly: 0.9555
Total Cholesterol: 0

1 egg white

Number of Grams: 33
Total Moisture: 28.8981
Total Calorie: 17.16
Protein: 3.597
Total Fat: 0.0561
Total Ash: 0.2079
Total Carbohydrate: 0.2409
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.2343
Total Calcium: 2.31
Total Iron: 0.0264
Total Magnesium: 3.63
Total Phosphorus: 4.95
100 g Total Potassium: 18Total Potassium: 5.94
Total Sodium: 8.25
Total Zinc: 0.0099
Total Copper: 0.00759
Total Manganese: 0.00363
Total Seleneium: 6.6
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.00132
Total Riboflavin: 0.14487
Total Niacin: 0.03465
Total Panto_Acid: 0.0627
Total Vit_B6: 0.00165
Total Folate_Tot: 1.32
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 1.32
Total Folate_DFE: 1.32
Total Choline_Tot: 0.33
Total Vit_B12: 0.0297
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0
Total FA_Sat: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0

1 tablespoon olive oil

Number of Grams: 13.5
Total Moisture: 0
Total Calorie: 119.34
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 13.5
Total Ash: 0
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0.135
Total Iron: 0.0756
Total Magnesium: 0
Total Phosphorus: 0
100 g Total Potassium: 0Total Potassium: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0
Total Copper: 0
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Niacin: 0
Total Panto_Acid: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 1.93725
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 8.127
Total FA_Sat: 1.86408
Total FA_Mono: 9.849735
Total FA_Poly: 1.420605
Total Cholesterol: 0

1 teaspoon salt

Number of Grams: 6
Total Moisture: 0.012
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 5.988
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 1.44
Total Iron: 0.0198
Total Magnesium: 0.06
Total Phosphorus: 0
100 g Total Potassium: 0Total Potassium: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.006
Total Copper: 0.0018
Total Manganese: 0.006
Total Seleneium: 0.006
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Niacin: 0
Total Panto_Acid: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0
Total FA_Sat: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0

A few drops of water

Number of Grams: 0.23125
Total Moisture: 0.23101875
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 0.00023125
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0.0069375
Total Iron: 0
Total Magnesium: 0.0023125
Total Phosphorus: 0
100 g Total Potassium: 0Total Potassium: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 2.3125E-05
Total Copper: 2.3125E-05
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Niacin: 0
Total Panto_Acid: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0
Total FA_Sat: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0