1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup coarsely chopped onions
1/4 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon dried savory
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh mint
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 large tomato, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped (see salsa cruda, page 10), or substitute 1/2 cup chopped, drained, canned Italian plum tomatoes
1 cup chicken stock, fresh or canned
1/2 pound chorizo or other smoked spiced pork sausage, sliced 1/8 inch thick
4 cups white cornmeal
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup boiling water
1 cup melted butter (2 quarter-pound sticks)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
3 bottled Tabasco peppers, drained, rinsed in cold water and finely chopped
3 medium tomatoes, peeled and sliced about 1/8 inch thick
A 10-ounce can hearts of palm, drained and sliced into rounds 1/8 inch thick
3 hard-cooked eggs cut crosswise into 1/8-inch slices
12 pimiento-stuffed olives, cut crosswise into 1/8-inch slices
1 cup cooked fresh green peas, or 1 cup thoroughly defrosted frozen peas
3 seedless oranges, peeled and cut crosswise into 1/8-inch slices
Arrange the chicken in one layer in a large shallow flame-proof casserole or skillet. In a small enameled or stainless-steel saucepan, combine the vinegar, Lemon juice, 1'+ cup of the oil, the onions, garlic, parsley, coriander seeds, savory, mint, 1 teaspoon of salt and the black pepper, and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour the hot vinegar marinade over the chicken, turning the pieces to coat them evenly. Cover the casserole tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap, and marinate the chicken for 3 hours at room temperature or 6 hours in the refrigerator, turning the pieces occasionally to keep them well moistened on all sides.
Over high heat, bring the chicken and marinade to a boil in the casserole. Reduce the heat to low, and simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Stir in the chopped tomato and chicken stock and return to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover the casserole, and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the chicken is tender but not falling apart. Transfer the chicken to a plate, and remove the casserole from the heat.
As soon as the chicken is cool enough to handle, remove the skin with a small, sharp knife or your fingers. Cut or pull the meat away from the bones. Discard the skin and bones, and cut the chicken meat into strips about 1/8 inch wide and 1 to l 1/2 inches long. Strain the reserved cooking stock through a fine sieve set over a mixing bowl, then return it to the casserole. Drop in the chicken strips and set the casserole aside.
In another skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of oil over high heat and add the sausage slices. Turning the pieces constantly, brown them quickly but lightly on both sides, then remove them from the pan and spread them out on paper towels to drain.
Spread the cornmeal out in a large ungreased skillet and cook it over moderate heat, stirring it constantly with a wooden spoon for about 5 minutes. Watch carefully for any sign of burning and regulate the heat accordingly. When the cornmeal is a pale golden color, stir into it one teaspoon of salt and slowly Dour in the cup of boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat, for 2 minutes, until all the moisture is absorbed. Then remove the skillet from the heat and mix in the cup of melted butter and the 1/4 cup of parsley. Stir it little by little into the reserved skillet of chicken and stock and when they are well combined add the reserved sausage slices and the chopped Tabasco peppers. Test the cornmeal mixture by rolling a spoonful of it between the palms of your hands. It should form a loose ball. If the cornmeal is too dry and crumbles, add a little chicken stock or water to the pan and mix until the cornmeal particles adhere. (Be careful not to add too much liquid; the cornmeal should be moist but not pasty)
Butter or oil the inside of a 9- to 1O-inch fine-holed colander and center a large slice of tomato on the bottom of it. Arrange some of the sliced hearts of palm, hard-cooked eggs, tomatoes and olives in an attractive pattern around it, covering the sides as completely as possible. Spoon in a third of the meat and cornmeal mixture and, with a spoon, smooth it and pack it down gently. Scatter a layer of peas on top and on it arrange half the reserved hearts of pa1m, eggs, tomatoes and olives. Spoon another third of the cornmeal mixture into the colander, pack it down, and cover with the remaining peas and other ingredients. Spoon in the remaining cornmeal mixture, pack it down lightly, and cover with a large piece of foil. Tuck the ends of the foil under the top rim of the colander to hold it securely in place.vv
Place the colander in a deep pot, large enough to enclose it completely. Pour enough water into the pot to come within 1 1/2 inches of the bottom of the colander. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, cover the pot tightly, and steam over low heat for 30 minutes, replenishing the water in the pot with boiling water if it boils away.
To unmold and serve the cuscus, place a serving plate upside down over the top of the colander and, grasping both sides firmly, turn the plate and mold over. (If the handles of your colander stand up above the rim, be sure to choose a plate small enough to fit inside them. If the handles project from the sides of the colander. you can use any size serving plate you like.) Rap the plate on a table and the cuscus should slide out of the mold. If any of the vegetable or egg garnish sticks to the colander, pry the pieces loose with the tip of a knife and replace them on the mold. If some of the garnish appears too crushed, substitute fresh slices of egg or vegetable. Serve the cuscus hot, accompanied by sliced oranges.
Total Calorie: 8099.94091666667
Total Protein: 315.2896325
Total Total_Fat: 472.022851666667
Total Ash: 46.9967908333333
Total Carbohydrate: 646.914659166667
Total Fiber: 62.4285083333333
Total Sugar: 95.49183
Total Calcium: 0.82798225
Total Iron: 0.0548883791666667
Total Magnesium: 0.692500583333333
Total Phosphorus: 2.98304616666667
Total Potassium: 12.856803
Total Sodium: 5.30144133333333
Total Zinc: 0.0316002825
Total Copper: 0.00253755583333333
Total Manganese: 0.00571220575
Total Selenium: 0.000319155875
Total Vit_C: 0.5147602
Total Thiamin: 0.00666181066666667
Total Riboflaven: 0.00586213933333333
Total Niacin: 0.107064830583333
Total Panto_Acid: 0.0151733895833333
Total Vit_B6: 0.00639324825
Total Folate_Tot: 1.92023675
Total Folic_Acid: 1.130823
Total Food_Folate: 0.79569375
Total Folate_DFE: 2.71193975
Total CholineTot: 1.29286225
Total Vit_B12: 0.0083872
Total Vit_A: 17.79750825
Total Vit_A_RAE: 2.57780458333333
Total Retinol: 2.0279
Total Alpha_Carot: 0.673975
Total Beta_Carot: 5.8798285
Total Beta_Crypt: 0.69586375
Total Lycopene: 14.177345
Total Lut_Zea: 7.3976025
Total Vit_E: 0.02708695
Total Vit_D: 0.006708
Total Vit_D_IU: 0.281052
Total Vit_K: 0.656799575
Total FA_Sat: 0.189127537
Total FA_Mono: 0.20032915825
Total FA_Poly: 0.0507121571666667
Total Cholesterol: 1.69840266666667
Breakdown By Ingredients:
A 3 1/2- to 4- pound chicken, cut into 6 to 8 serving pieces
Number of Grams: 598
Total Moisture: 355.511
Total Calorie: 1429.22
Protein: 163.254
Total Fat: 81.328
Total Ash: 5.5016
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 89.7
Total Iron: 7.5348
Total Magnesium: 137.54
Total Phosphorus: 1088.36
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 11.6012
Total Copper: 0.39468
Total Manganese: 0.1196
Total Seleneium: 142.922
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.37674
Total Riboflavin: 1.00464
Total Vit_B6: 2.392
Total Folate_Tot: 29.9
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 29.9
Total Folate_DFE: 29.9
Total Choline_Tot: 388.7
Total Vit_B12: 1.794
Total Vit_A_IU: 962.78
Total Vit_A_RAE: 287.04
Total Retinol: 287.04
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 1.6146
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 11.96
Total FA_Mono: 31.9332
Total FA_Poly: 17.7606
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
Number of Grams: 59.5
Total Moisture: 56.3941
Total Calorie: 10.71
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 0.0119
Total Carbohydrate: 0.0238
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.0238
Total Calcium: 3.57
Total Iron: 0.01785
Total Magnesium: 0.595
Total Phosphorus: 2.38
Total Sodium: 26.18
Total Zinc: 0.00595
Total Copper: 0.00357
Total Manganese: 0.032725
Total Seleneium: 0.2975
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 2.975
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
Number of Grams: 61
Total Moisture: 56.3091
Total Calorie: 13.42
Protein: 0.2135
Total Fat: 0.1464
Total Ash: 0.1281
Total Carbohydrate: 4.209
Total Fiber: 0.183
Total Sugar: 1.5372
Total Calcium: 3.66
Total Iron: 0.0488
Total Magnesium: 3.66
Total Phosphorus: 4.88
Total Sodium: 16.47
Total Zinc: 0.0305
Total Copper: 0.00976
Total Manganese: 0.00732
Total Seleneium: 0.061
Total Vit_C: 23.607
Total Thiamin: 0.01464
Total Riboflavin: 0.00915
Total Vit_B6: 0.02806
Total Folate_Tot: 12.2
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 12.2
Total Folate_DFE: 12.2
Total Choline_Tot: 3.05
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 3.66
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.61
Total Beta_Crypt: 2.44
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 9.15
Total Vit_E: 0.0915
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.00366
Total FA_Poly: 0.01281
Total Cholesterol: 68.93
1/4 cup olive oil
Number of Grams: 54
Total Moisture: 0
Total Calorie: 477.36
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 54
Total Ash: 0
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0.54
Total Iron: 0.3024
Total Magnesium: 0
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0
Total Copper: 0
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 7.749
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 39.39894
Total FA_Poly: 5.68242
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/2 cup coarsely chopped onions
Number of Grams: 80
Total Moisture: 71.288
Total Calorie: 32
Protein: 0.88
Total Fat: 0.08
Total Ash: 0.28
Total Carbohydrate: 7.472
Total Fiber: 1.36
Total Sugar: 3.392
Total Calcium: 18.4
Total Iron: 0.168
Total Magnesium: 8
Total Phosphorus: 23.2
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.136
Total Copper: 0.0312
Total Manganese: 0.1032
Total Seleneium: 0.4
Total Vit_C: 5.92
Total Thiamin: 0.0368
Total Riboflavin: 0.0216
Total Vit_B6: 0.096
Total Folate_Tot: 15.2
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 15.2
Total Folate_DFE: 15.2
Total Choline_Tot: 4.8
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1.6
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.8
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 3.2
Total Vit_E: 0.016
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.0104
Total FA_Poly: 0.0136
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/4 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
Number of Grams: 0.7
Total Moisture: 0.41006
Total Calorie: 1.043
Protein: 0.04452
Total Fat: 0.0035
Total Ash: 0.0105
Total Carbohydrate: 0.23142
Total Fiber: 0.0147
Total Sugar: 0.007
Total Calcium: 1.267
Total Iron: 0.0119
Total Magnesium: 0.175
Total Phosphorus: 1.071
Total Sodium: 0.567
Total Zinc: 0.00812
Total Copper: 0.002093
Total Manganese: 0.011704
Total Seleneium: 0.0994
Total Vit_C: 0.2184
Total Thiamin: 0.0014
Total Riboflavin: 0.00077
Total Vit_B6: 0.008645
Total Folate_Tot: 0.021
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0.021
Total Folate_DFE: 0.021
Total Choline_Tot: 0.161
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0.063
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.035
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0.112
Total Vit_E: 0.00056
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 7.7E-05
Total FA_Poly: 0.001743
Total Cholesterol: 0.028
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
Number of Grams: 15
Total Moisture: 13.1565
Total Calorie: 5.4
Protein: 0.4455
Total Fat: 0.1185
Total Ash: 0.33
Total Carbohydrate: 0.9495
Total Fiber: 0.495
Total Sugar: 0.1275
Total Calcium: 20.7
Total Iron: 0.93
Total Magnesium: 7.5
Total Phosphorus: 8.7
Total Sodium: 192.6
Total Zinc: 0.1605
Total Copper: 0.02235
Total Manganese: 0.024
Total Seleneium: 0.015
Total Vit_C: 19.95
Total Thiamin: 0.0129
Total Riboflavin: 0.0147
Total Vit_B6: 0.0135
Total Folate_Tot: 22.8
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 22.8
Total Folate_DFE: 22.8
Total Choline_Tot: 1.8
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1263.6
Total Vit_A_RAE: 63.15
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 758.1
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 834.15
Total Vit_E: 0.1125
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.04425
Total FA_Poly: 0.0186
Total Cholesterol: 14.7
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
Number of Grams: 1.8
Total Moisture: 0.15948
Total Calorie: 5.364
Protein: 0.22266
Total Fat: 0.31986
Total Ash: 0.10836
Total Carbohydrate: 0.98982
Total Fiber: 0.7542
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 12.762
Total Iron: 0.29376
Total Magnesium: 5.94
Total Phosphorus: 7.362
Total Sodium: 1.908
Total Zinc: 0.0846
Total Copper: 0.01755
Total Manganese: 0.0342
Total Seleneium: 0.4716
Total Vit_C: 0.378
Total Thiamin: 0.004302
Total Riboflavin: 0.00522
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.24444
Total FA_Poly: 0.0315
Total Cholesterol: 0.522
1 teaspoon dried savory
Number of Grams: 1.4
Total Moisture: 0.126
Total Calorie: 3.808
Protein: 0.09422
Total Fat: 0.08274
Total Ash: 0.13482
Total Carbohydrate: 0.96222
Total Fiber: 0.6398
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 29.848
Total Iron: 0.53032
Total Magnesium: 5.278
Total Phosphorus: 1.96
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0602
Total Copper: 0.011858
Total Manganese: 0.0854
Total Seleneium: 0.0644
Total Vit_C: 0.7
Total Thiamin: 0.005124
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0.02534
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 71.82
Total Vit_A_RAE: 3.598
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh mint
Number of Grams: 0.266666666666667
Total Moisture: 0.209733333333333
Total Calorie: 0.186666666666667
Protein: 0.01
Total Fat: 0.00250666666666667
Total Ash: 0.00469333333333333
Total Carbohydrate: 0.0397066666666667
Total Fiber: 0.0213333333333333
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0.648
Total Iron: 0.0135466666666667
Total Magnesium: 0.213333333333333
Total Phosphorus: 0.194666666666667
Total Sodium: 0.0933333333333333
Total Zinc: 0.00296
Total Copper: 0.000877333333333333
Total Manganese: 0.003136
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0.0848
Total Thiamin: 0.000218666666666667
Total Riboflavin: 0.000709333333333333
Total Vit_B6: 0.000344
Total Folate_Tot: 0.304
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0.304
Total Folate_DFE: 0.304
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 11.328
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0.565333333333333
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 8.8E-05
Total FA_Poly: 0.00135466666666667
Total Cholesterol: 0.0346666666666667
1 teaspoon salt
Number of Grams: 6
Total Moisture: 0.012
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 5.988
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 1.44
Total Iron: 0.0198
Total Magnesium: 0.06
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.006
Total Copper: 0.0018
Total Manganese: 0.006
Total Seleneium: 0.006
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Number of Grams: 0.575
Total Moisture: 0.071645
Total Calorie: 1.44325
Protein: 0.0597425
Total Fat: 0.018745
Total Ash: 0.0258175
Total Carbohydrate: 0.3677125
Total Fiber: 0.145475
Total Sugar: 0.00368
Total Calcium: 2.54725
Total Iron: 0.0558325
Total Magnesium: 0.98325
Total Phosphorus: 0.9085
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0068425
Total Copper: 0.0076475
Total Manganese: 0.07332975
Total Seleneium: 0.028175
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.000621
Total Riboflavin: 0.001035
Total Vit_B6: 0.00167325
Total Folate_Tot: 0.09775
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0.09775
Total Folate_DFE: 0.09775
Total Choline_Tot: 0.06325
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 3.14525
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0.15525
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0.069
Total Beta_Carot: 1.7825
Total Beta_Crypt: 0.14375
Total Lycopene: 0.115
Total Lut_Zea: 2.6105
Total Vit_E: 0.00598
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.00424925
Total FA_Poly: 0.0057385
Total Cholesterol: 0
1 large tomato, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped (see salsa cruda, page 10), or substitute 1/2 cup chopped, drained, canned Italian plum tomatoes
Number of Grams: 182
Total Moisture: 172.0264
Total Calorie: 32.76
Protein: 1.6016
Total Fat: 0.364
Total Ash: 0.91
Total Carbohydrate: 7.0798
Total Fiber: 2.184
Total Sugar: 4.7866
Total Calcium: 18.2
Total Iron: 0.4914
Total Magnesium: 20.02
Total Phosphorus: 43.68
Total Sodium: 103.74
Total Zinc: 0.3094
Total Copper: 0.10738
Total Manganese: 0.20748
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 24.934
Total Thiamin: 0.06734
Total Riboflavin: 0.03458
Total Vit_B6: 0.1456
Total Folate_Tot: 27.3
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 27.3
Total Folate_DFE: 27.3
Total Choline_Tot: 10.92
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1516.06
Total Vit_A_RAE: 76.44
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 183.82
Total Beta_Carot: 817.18
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 4682.86
Total Lut_Zea: 223.86
Total Vit_E: 0.9828
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.05642
Total FA_Poly: 0.15106
Total Cholesterol: 3.64
1 cup chicken stock, fresh or canned
Number of Grams: 240
Total Moisture: 221.16
Total Calorie: 86.4
Protein: 6.048
Total Fat: 2.88
Total Ash: 1.512
Total Carbohydrate: 8.472
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 3.792
Total Calcium: 7.2
Total Iron: 0.504
Total Magnesium: 9.6
Total Phosphorus: 64.8
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.336
Total Copper: 0.1296
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 5.28
Total Vit_C: 0.48
Total Thiamin: 0.084
Total Riboflavin: 0.204
Total Vit_B6: 0.1464
Total Folate_Tot: 12
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 12
Total Folate_DFE: 12
Total Choline_Tot: 21.6
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 7.2
Total Vit_A_RAE: 2.4
Total Retinol: 2.4
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 2.4
Total Vit_E: 0.072
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 1.3968
Total FA_Poly: 0.5112
Total Cholesterol: 0
2 tablespoons olive oil
Number of Grams: 27
Total Moisture: 0
Total Calorie: 238.68
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 27
Total Ash: 0
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0.27
Total Iron: 0.1512
Total Magnesium: 0
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0
Total Copper: 0
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 3.8745
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 19.69947
Total FA_Poly: 2.84121
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/2 pound chorizo or other smoked spiced pork sausage, sliced 1/8 inch thick
Number of Grams: 227.2
Total Moisture: 72.3632
Total Calorie: 1033.76
Protein: 54.7552
Total Fat: 86.94944
Total Ash: 8.90624
Total Carbohydrate: 4.22592
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 18.176
Total Iron: 3.61248
Total Magnesium: 40.896
Total Phosphorus: 340.8
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 7.74752
Total Copper: 0.18176
Total Manganese: 0.09088
Total Seleneium: 47.9392
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 1.43136
Total Riboflavin: 0.6816
Total Vit_B6: 1.20416
Total Folate_Tot: 4.544
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 4.544
Total Folate_DFE: 4.544
Total Choline_Tot: 218.112
Total Vit_B12: 4.544
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0.49984
Total Vit_D: 3.408
Total Vit_D_IU: 138.592
Total FA_Mono: 41.8048
Total FA_Poly: 7.86112
Total Cholesterol: 0
4 cups white cornmeal
Number of Grams: 628
Total Moisture: 70.2104
Total Calorie: 2323.6
Protein: 44.6508
Total Fat: 10.99
Total Ash: 3.2028
Total Carbohydrate: 498.946
Total Fiber: 24.492
Total Sugar: 10.1108
Total Calcium: 18.84
Total Iron: 27.3808
Total Magnesium: 200.96
Total Phosphorus: 621.72
Total Sodium: 3359.8
Total Zinc: 4.1448
Total Copper: 0.47728
Total Manganese: 1.09272
Total Seleneium: 65.94
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 3.46028
Total Riboflavin: 2.39896
Total Vit_B6: 1.14296
Total Folate_Tot: 1312.52
Total Folic_Acid: 1130.4
Total Food_Folate: 188.4
Total Folate_DFE: 2103.8
Total Choline_Tot: 50.24
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 18.84
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 6.28
Total Beta_Crypt: 6.28
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 31.4
Total Vit_E: 0.7536
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 2.4492
Total FA_Poly: 5.19984
Total Cholesterol: 125.6
1 teaspoon salt
Number of Grams: 6
Total Moisture: 0.012
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 5.988
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 1.44
Total Iron: 0.0198
Total Magnesium: 0.06
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.006
Total Copper: 0.0018
Total Manganese: 0.006
Total Seleneium: 0.006
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
1 cup boiling water
Number of Grams: 237
Total Moisture: 236.763
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 0.237
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 7.11
Total Iron: 0
Total Magnesium: 2.37
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0237
Total Copper: 0.0237
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
1 cup melted butter (2 quarter-pound sticks)
Number of Grams: 226
Total Moisture: 40.5444
Total Calorie: 1620.42
Protein: 1.921
Total Fat: 183.3086
Total Ash: 0.2034
Total Carbohydrate: 0.1356
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.1356
Total Calcium: 54.24
Total Iron: 0.0452
Total Magnesium: 4.52
Total Phosphorus: 54.24
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.2034
Total Copper: 0.03616
Total Manganese: 0.00904
Total Seleneium: 2.26
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.0113
Total Riboflavin: 0.07684
Total Vit_B6: 0.00678
Total Folate_Tot: 6.78
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 6.78
Total Folate_DFE: 6.78
Total Choline_Tot: 40.68
Total Vit_B12: 0.3842
Total Vit_A_IU: 5647.74
Total Vit_A_RAE: 1545.84
Total Retinol: 1516.46
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 357.08
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 5.2432
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 52.9518
Total FA_Poly: 6.8026
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
Number of Grams: 15
Total Moisture: 13.1565
Total Calorie: 5.4
Protein: 0.4455
Total Fat: 0.1185
Total Ash: 0.33
Total Carbohydrate: 0.9495
Total Fiber: 0.495
Total Sugar: 0.1275
Total Calcium: 20.7
Total Iron: 0.93
Total Magnesium: 7.5
Total Phosphorus: 8.7
Total Sodium: 192.6
Total Zinc: 0.1605
Total Copper: 0.02235
Total Manganese: 0.024
Total Seleneium: 0.015
Total Vit_C: 19.95
Total Thiamin: 0.0129
Total Riboflavin: 0.0147
Total Vit_B6: 0.0135
Total Folate_Tot: 22.8
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 22.8
Total Folate_DFE: 22.8
Total Choline_Tot: 1.8
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1263.6
Total Vit_A_RAE: 63.15
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 758.1
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 834.15
Total Vit_E: 0.1125
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.04425
Total FA_Poly: 0.0186
Total Cholesterol: 14.7
3 bottled Tabasco peppers, drained, rinsed in cold water and finely chopped
Number of Grams: 42.3
Total Moisture: 40.25691
Total Calorie: 5.076
Protein: 0.54567
Total Fat: 0.32148
Total Ash: 0.83754
Total Carbohydrate: 0.3384
Total Fiber: 0.2538
Total Sugar: 0.05499
Total Calcium: 5.076
Total Iron: 0.49068
Total Magnesium: 5.076
Total Phosphorus: 9.729
Total Sodium: 79.101
Total Zinc: 0.06768
Total Copper: 0.031725
Total Manganese: 0.045261
Total Seleneium: 0.2115
Total Vit_C: 1.9035
Total Thiamin: 0.013536
Total Riboflavin: 0.035532
Total Vit_B6: 0.065142
Total Folate_Tot: 0.423
Total Folic_Acid: 0.423
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0.846
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 693.72
Total Vit_A_RAE: 34.686
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 26.226
Total Beta_Carot: 388.737
Total Beta_Crypt: 28.764
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 4.23
Total Vit_E: 0.00423
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.025803
Total FA_Poly: 0.169623
Total Cholesterol: 39.339
3 medium tomatoes, peeled and sliced about 1/8 inch thick
Number of Grams: 369
Total Moisture: 348.7788
Total Calorie: 66.42
Protein: 3.2472
Total Fat: 0.738
Total Ash: 1.845
Total Carbohydrate: 14.3541
Total Fiber: 4.428
Total Sugar: 9.7047
Total Calcium: 36.9
Total Iron: 0.9963
Total Magnesium: 40.59
Total Phosphorus: 88.56
Total Sodium: 210.33
Total Zinc: 0.6273
Total Copper: 0.21771
Total Manganese: 0.42066
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 50.553
Total Thiamin: 0.13653
Total Riboflavin: 0.07011
Total Vit_B6: 0.2952
Total Folate_Tot: 55.35
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 55.35
Total Folate_DFE: 55.35
Total Choline_Tot: 22.14
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 3073.77
Total Vit_A_RAE: 154.98
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 372.69
Total Beta_Carot: 1656.81
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 9494.37
Total Lut_Zea: 453.87
Total Vit_E: 1.9926
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.11439
Total FA_Poly: 0.30627
Total Cholesterol: 7.38
A 10-ounce can hearts of palm, drained and sliced into rounds 1/8 inch thick
Number of Grams: 182.5
Total Moisture: 164.615
Total Calorie: 51.1
Protein: 4.599
Total Fat: 1.1315
Total Ash: 3.723
Total Carbohydrate: 8.4315
Total Fiber: 4.38
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 105.85
Total Iron: 5.71225
Total Magnesium: 69.35
Total Phosphorus: 118.625
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 2.09875
Total Copper: 0.242725
Total Manganese: 2.54405
Total Seleneium: 1.2775
Total Vit_C: 14.4175
Total Thiamin: 0.020075
Total Riboflavin: 0.104025
Total Vit_B6: 0.04015
Total Folate_Tot: 71.175
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 71.175
Total Folate_DFE: 71.175
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.187975
Total FA_Poly: 0.36865
Total Cholesterol: 0
3 hard-cooked eggs cut crosswise into 1/8-inch slices
Number of Grams: 150
Total Moisture: 111.93
Total Calorie: 232.5
Protein: 18.87
Total Fat: 15.915
Total Ash: 1.62
Total Carbohydrate: 1.68
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 1.68
Total Calcium: 75
Total Iron: 1.785
Total Magnesium: 15
Total Phosphorus: 258
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 1.575
Total Copper: 0.0195
Total Manganese: 0.039
Total Seleneium: 46.2
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.099
Total Riboflavin: 0.7695
Total Vit_B6: 0.1815
Total Folate_Tot: 66
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 66
Total Folate_DFE: 66
Total Choline_Tot: 439.5
Total Vit_B12: 1.665
Total Vit_A_IU: 780
Total Vit_A_RAE: 223.5
Total Retinol: 222
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 16.5
Total Beta_Crypt: 15
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 529.5
Total Vit_E: 1.545
Total Vit_D: 3.3
Total Vit_D_IU: 130.5
Total FA_Mono: 6.1155
Total FA_Poly: 2.121
Total Cholesterol: 0
12 pimiento-stuffed olives, cut crosswise into 1/8-inch slices
Number of Grams: 32.4
Total Moisture: 24.39072
Total Calorie: 46.98
Protein: 0.33372
Total Fat: 4.96368
Total Ash: 1.46772
Total Carbohydrate: 1.24416
Total Fiber: 1.0692
Total Sugar: 0.17496
Total Calcium: 16.848
Total Iron: 0.15876
Total Magnesium: 3.564
Total Phosphorus: 1.296
Total Sodium: 282.852
Total Zinc: 0.01296
Total Copper: 0.03888
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0.2916
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.006804
Total Riboflavin: 0.002268
Total Vit_B6: 0.010044
Total Folate_Tot: 0.972
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0.972
Total Folate_DFE: 0.972
Total Choline_Tot: 4.536
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 127.332
Total Vit_A_RAE: 6.48
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 74.844
Total Beta_Crypt: 2.916
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 165.24
Total Vit_E: 1.23444
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 3.665736
Total FA_Poly: 0.423468
Total Cholesterol: 6.804
1 cup cooked fresh green peas, or 1 cup thoroughly defrosted frozen peas
Number of Grams: 145
Total Moisture: 114.347
Total Calorie: 117.45
Protein: 7.859
Total Fat: 0.58
Total Ash: 1.2615
Total Carbohydrate: 20.9525
Total Fiber: 8.265
Total Sugar: 8.2215
Total Calcium: 36.25
Total Iron: 2.1315
Total Magnesium: 47.85
Total Phosphorus: 156.6
Total Sodium: 835.2
Total Zinc: 1.798
Total Copper: 0.2552
Total Manganese: 0.5945
Total Seleneium: 2.61
Total Vit_C: 58
Total Thiamin: 0.3857
Total Riboflavin: 0.1914
Total Vit_B6: 0.24505
Total Folate_Tot: 94.25
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 94.25
Total Folate_DFE: 94.25
Total Choline_Tot: 40.6
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1109.25
Total Vit_A_RAE: 55.1
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 30.45
Total Beta_Carot: 651.05
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 3591.65
Total Vit_E: 0.1885
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.05075
Total FA_Poly: 0.27115
Total Cholesterol: 1413.75
3 seedless oranges, peeled and cut crosswise into 1/8-inch slices
Number of Grams: 552
Total Moisture: 478.86
Total Calorie: 259.44
Protein: 5.1888
Total Fat: 0.6624
Total Ash: 2.4288
Total Carbohydrate: 64.86
Total Fiber: 13.248
Total Sugar: 51.612
Total Calcium: 220.8
Total Iron: 0.552
Total Magnesium: 55.2
Total Phosphorus: 77.28
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.3864
Total Copper: 0.2484
Total Manganese: 0.138
Total Seleneium: 2.76
Total Vit_C: 293.664
Total Thiamin: 0.48024
Total Riboflavin: 0.2208
Total Vit_B6: 0.3312
Total Folate_Tot: 165.6
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 165.6
Total Folate_DFE: 165.6
Total Choline_Tot: 44.16
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1242
Total Vit_A_RAE: 60.72
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 60.72
Total Beta_Carot: 391.92
Total Beta_Crypt: 640.32
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 712.08
Total Vit_E: 0.9936
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.12696
Total FA_Poly: 0.138
Total Cholesterol: 0