1/2 pound sharp Cheddar cheese, sliced 1/4 inch thick and cut into sticks 3 inches long and 1/4 inch wide
Vegetable oil for deep frying
4 egg whites
1/4 cup unsifted flour
3/4 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 egg yolks
If you are using the fresh chilies, preheat the broiler to its highest setting. Spread the chilies on a baking sheet and broil them 3 or 4 inches from the heat for 5 minutes, turning them so that they blister and darken on all sides. Wrap the chilies in a dampened kitchen towel and let them rest for a few minutes. Then rub them with the towels until the skins slip off. With a small sharp knife, cut all around the stem of each chili and pull out the stem and the seeds that cling to it. Discard the stems and seeds and set the chilies aside. If you are using canned chilies, drain and rinse them under cold running water. Cut a slit down the side of each chili. Spread the chilies flat and scrape away any seeds with a small knife.
Combine the cheese sticks and onions in a bowl and turn them about gently with a spoon until well mixed. Stuff the cheese-and-onion mixture into the fresh chilies through the stem openings, dividing the mixture evenly among them. To stuff the canned chilies, place equal portions of the cheese-and-onion mixture in the center of each chili. Fold the ends over the mixture and roll the chili around it. In either case, arrange the stuffed chilies on a plate or baking sheet and refrigerate them for about 1 hour before cooking.
Pour oil into a deep fryer or large heavy saucepan to a depth of about 3 inches and heat the oil until it reaches a temperature of 360° on a deep-frying thermometer. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting. Line a shallow baking pan with a double thickness of paper towels, and place the pan in the middle of the oven.
Prepare the batter coating for the chilies in the following manner: With a wire whisk or a rotary or electric beater, beat the egg whites until they are stiff enough to stand in unwavering peaks on the whisk or beater when it is lifted from the bowl. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt, and sift them together into a small bowl.
In a separate bowl with the same beater unwashed, beat the egg yolks for 2 or 3 minutes. When the yolks are thick, add the flour mixture and beat well. With a rubber spatula, scoop the egg whites over the yolks and fold them together gently but thoroughly.
Immerse one chili in the egg batter to coat it evenly, place the chili on a saucer, and slide it carefully into the hot oil. Deep-fry two chilies at a time, turning them with a slotted spoon for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the batter puffs up and is golden brown. As they brown, transfer the chilies to the paper-lined pan and keep them warm in the oven.
Arrange the chile rellenos attractively on a heated platter and serve at once while they are still hot.
Total Calorie: 2562.59083333333
Total Protein: 101.113681666667
Total Total_Fat: 192.251503333333
Total Ash: 24.7441616666667
Total Carbohydrate: 127.498938333333
Total Fiber: 38.4773166666667
Total Sugar: 4.75426833333333
Total Calcium: 2.08515216666667
Total Iron: 0.022816845
Total Magnesium: 0.284932833333333
Total Phosphorus: 2.05184766666667
Total Potassium: 0.6086365
Total Sodium: 4.4952955
Total Zinc: 0.0125992866666667
Total Copper: 0.0010811785
Total Manganese: 0.002571472
Total Selenium: 0.000145030816666667
Total Vit_C: 0.00734666666666667
Total Thiamin: 0.000764993833333333
Total Riboflaven: 0.005913211
Total Niacin: 0.0130809346666667
Total Panto_Acid: 0.006806095
Total Vit_B6: 0.006481802
Total Folate_Tot: 0.350524833333333
Total Folic_Acid: 0.048125
Total Food_Folate: 0.302399833333333
Total Folate_DFE: 0.384274833333333
Total CholineTot: 0.598472
Total Vit_B12: 0.003944
Total Vit_A: 38.5486756666667
Total Vit_A_RAE: 2.74624
Total Retinol: 1.00204
Total Alpha_Carot: 0.02584
Total Beta_Carot: 0.253805833333333
Total Beta_Crypt: 0.02244
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0.770740833333333
Total Vit_E: 0.0217620616666667
Total Vit_D: 0.0050352
Total Vit_D_IU: 0.202768
Total Vit_K: 0.00623588333333333
Total FA_Sat: 0.0562945815
Total FA_Mono: 0.0903317128333333
Total FA_Poly: 0.0282563811666667
Total Cholesterol: 0.3846375
Breakdown By Ingredients:
10 large fresh green poblano or ancho chllies or 10 canned green chilies (not the jalapeño variety)
Number of Grams: 170
Total Moisture: 38.471
Total Calorie: 477.7
Protein: 20.162
Total Fat: 13.94
Total Ash: 10.013
Total Carbohydrate: 87.414
Total Fiber: 36.72
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 103.7
Total Iron: 18.581
Total Magnesium: 192.1
Total Phosphorus: 341.7
Total Sodium: 2380
Total Zinc: 2.414
Total Copper: 0.8636
Total Manganese: 2.1743
Total Seleneium: 4.93
Total Vit_C: 3.4
Total Thiamin: 0.3043
Total Riboflavin: 3.8335
Total Vit_B6: 6.0095
Total Folate_Tot: 117.3
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 117.3
Total Folate_DFE: 117.3
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 34744.6
Total Vit_A_RAE: 1737.4
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.8364
Total FA_Poly: 7.6687
Total Cholesterol: 170
1/2 pound sharp Cheddar cheese, sliced 1/4 inch thick and cut into sticks 3 inches long and 1/4 inch wide
Number of Grams: 227.2
Total Moisture: 84.10944
Total Calorie: 917.888
Protein: 51.96064
Total Fat: 75.68032
Total Ash: 8.42912
Total Carbohydrate: 7.02048
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 1.09056
Total Calcium: 1613.12
Total Iron: 0.31808
Total Magnesium: 61.344
Total Phosphorus: 1033.76
Total Sodium: 2078.88
Total Zinc: 8.27008
Total Copper: 0.06816
Total Manganese: 0.061344
Total Seleneium: 64.752
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.065888
Total Riboflavin: 0.972416
Total Vit_B6: 0.149952
Total Folate_Tot: 61.344
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 61.344
Total Folate_DFE: 61.344
Total Choline_Tot: 36.352
Total Vit_B12: 2.4992
Total Vit_A_IU: 2821.824
Total Vit_A_RAE: 749.76
Total Retinol: 749.76
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 193.12
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 1.61312
Total Vit_D: 1.3632
Total Vit_D_IU: 54.528
Total FA_Mono: 21.006912
Total FA_Poly: 3.228512
Total Cholesterol: 213.568
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Number of Grams: 84
Total Moisture: 0
Total Calorie: 742.56
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 84
Total Ash: 0
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0
Total Iron: 0
Total Magnesium: 0
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0
Total Copper: 0
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 18.312
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 60.47244
Total FA_Poly: 14.36232
Total Cholesterol: 0
4 egg whites
Number of Grams: 132
Total Moisture: 115.5924
Total Calorie: 68.64
Protein: 14.388
Total Fat: 0.2244
Total Ash: 0.8316
Total Carbohydrate: 0.9636
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.9372
Total Calcium: 9.24
Total Iron: 0.1056
Total Magnesium: 14.52
Total Phosphorus: 19.8
Total Sodium: 33
Total Zinc: 0.0396
Total Copper: 0.03036
Total Manganese: 0.01452
Total Seleneium: 26.4
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.00528
Total Riboflavin: 0.57948
Total Vit_B6: 0.0066
Total Folate_Tot: 5.28
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 5.28
Total Folate_DFE: 5.28
Total Choline_Tot: 1.32
Total Vit_B12: 0.1188
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/4 cup unsifted flour
Number of Grams: 31.25
Total Moisture: 3.725
Total Calorie: 113.75
Protein: 3.228125
Total Fat: 0.30625
Total Ash: 0.146875
Total Carbohydrate: 23.846875
Total Fiber: 0.84375
Total Sugar: 0.084375
Total Calcium: 4.6875
Total Iron: 1.45
Total Magnesium: 6.875
Total Phosphorus: 33.75
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.21875
Total Copper: 0.045
Total Manganese: 0.213125
Total Seleneium: 10.59375
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.2453125
Total Riboflavin: 0.154375
Total Vit_B6: 0.01375
Total Folate_Tot: 57.1875
Total Folic_Acid: 48.125
Total Food_Folate: 9.0625
Total Folate_DFE: 90.9375
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0.625
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.3125
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 24.6875
Total Vit_E: 0.071875
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.0271875
Total FA_Poly: 0.1290625
Total Cholesterol: 0
1/3 cup finely chopped onions
Number of Grams: 53.3333333333333
Total Moisture: 47.5253333333333
Total Calorie: 21.3333333333333
Protein: 0.586666666666667
Total Fat: 0.0533333333333333
Total Ash: 0.186666666666667
Total Carbohydrate: 4.98133333333333
Total Fiber: 0.906666666666667
Total Sugar: 2.26133333333333
Total Calcium: 12.2666666666667
Total Iron: 0.112
Total Magnesium: 5.33333333333333
Total Phosphorus: 15.4666666666667
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0906666666666667
Total Copper: 0.0208
Total Manganese: 0.0688
Total Seleneium: 0.266666666666667
Total Vit_C: 3.94666666666667
Total Thiamin: 0.0245333333333333
Total Riboflavin: 0.0144
Total Vit_B6: 0.064
Total Folate_Tot: 10.1333333333333
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 10.1333333333333
Total Folate_DFE: 10.1333333333333
Total Choline_Tot: 3.2
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 1.06666666666667
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.533333333333333
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 2.13333333333333
Total Vit_E: 0.0106666666666667
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.00693333333333333
Total FA_Poly: 0.00906666666666667
Total Cholesterol: 0
3/4 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
Number of Grams: 3.45
Total Moisture: 0.138
Total Calorie: 1.7595
Protein: 0.00345
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 2.4771
Total Carbohydrate: 0.83145
Total Fiber: 0.0069
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 254.058
Total Iron: 0.388815
Total Magnesium: 1.3455
Total Phosphorus: 342.171
Total Sodium: 3.4155
Total Zinc: 0.00069
Total Copper: 0.0004485
Total Manganese: 0.000483
Total Seleneium: 0.0069
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 1.0695
1/4 teaspoon salt
Number of Grams: 1.5
Total Moisture: 0.003
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 1.497
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0.36
Total Iron: 0.00495
Total Magnesium: 0.015
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0015
Total Copper: 0.00045
Total Manganese: 0.0015
Total Seleneium: 0.0015
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
4 egg yolks
Number of Grams: 68
Total Moisture: 35.5708
Total Calorie: 218.96
Protein: 10.7848
Total Fat: 18.0472
Total Ash: 1.1628
Total Carbohydrate: 2.4412
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0.3808
Total Calcium: 87.72
Total Iron: 1.8564
Total Magnesium: 3.4
Total Phosphorus: 265.2
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 1.564
Total Copper: 0.05236
Total Manganese: 0.0374
Total Seleneium: 38.08
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.11968
Total Riboflavin: 0.35904
Total Vit_B6: 0.238
Total Folate_Tot: 99.28
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 99.28
Total Folate_DFE: 99.28
Total Choline_Tot: 557.6
Total Vit_B12: 1.326
Total Vit_A_IU: 980.56
Total Vit_A_RAE: 259.08
Total Retinol: 252.28
Total Alpha_Carot: 25.84
Total Beta_Carot: 59.84
Total Beta_Crypt: 22.44
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 743.92
Total Vit_E: 1.7544
Total Vit_D: 3.672
Total Vit_D_IU: 148.24
Total FA_Mono: 7.98184
Total FA_Poly: 2.85872
Total Cholesterol: 0