2 cups cold water
Combine the flour and water in a deep bowl and stir vigorously until they form a smooth, fluid paste with the consistency of heavy cream.
Set a heavy 8-inch skillet, preferably one with a non-stick cooking surface, over moderate heat for about 30 seconds. Dip a pastry brush in the vegetable oil and spread a light film of oil evenly over the bottom and sides of the pan. Then immerse the tip of a 2-inch-wide paint brush in the flour paste and, with 5 or 6 slightly overlapping strokes, cover the entire bottom of the pan with a thin sheet of the paste. Cook the pastry for a few seconds until it begins to curl away from the edges of the pan. Immediately lift the wrapper out with your fingers and transfer it to a strip of lightly floured wax paper.
Brush the skillet with oil again and cook the next wrapper in the same fashion. Repeat until all of the paste is used, oiling the pan lightly before making each wrapper. The wrappers may be stacked one on top of the other, floured side down, then covered with foil or plastic wrap and kept at room temperature for no more than 2 hours.
Total Calorie: 971.88
Total Protein: 25.825
Total Total_Fat: 9.45
Total Ash: 1.649
Total Carbohydrate: 190.775
Total Fiber: 6.75
Total Sugar: 0.675
Total Calcium: 0.05172
Total Iron: 0.0116
Total Magnesium: 0.05974
Total Phosphorus: 0.27
Total Potassium: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0017974
Total Copper: 0.0004074
Total Manganese: 0.001705
Total Selenium: 8.475E-05
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0.0019625
Total Riboflaven: 0.001235
Total Niacin: 0.01476
Total Panto_Acid: 0.001095
Total Vit_B6: 0.00011
Total Folate_Tot: 0.4575
Total Folic_Acid: 0.385
Total Food_Folate: 0.0725
Total Folate_DFE: 0.7275
Total CholineTot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A: 0.005
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0.0025
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0.1975
Total Vit_E: 0.002101
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total Vit_K: 0.00075
Total FA_Sat: 0.00084327
Total FA_Mono: 0.00525687
Total FA_Poly: 0.00222936
Total Cholesterol: 0
Breakdown By Ingredients:
2 cups instant all-purpose flour
Number of Grams: 250
Total Moisture: 29.8
Total Calorie: 910
Protein: 25.825
Total Fat: 2.45
Total Ash: 1.175
Total Carbohydrate: 190.775
Total Fiber: 6.75
Total Sugar: 0.675
Total Calcium: 37.5
Total Iron: 11.6
Total Magnesium: 55
Total Phosphorus: 270
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 1.75
Total Copper: 0.36
Total Manganese: 1.705
Total Seleneium: 84.75
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 1.9625
Total Riboflavin: 1.235
Total Vit_B6: 0.11
Total Folate_Tot: 457.5
Total Folic_Acid: 385
Total Food_Folate: 72.5
Total Folate_DFE: 727.5
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 5
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 2.5
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 197.5
Total Vit_E: 0.575
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0.2175
Total FA_Poly: 1.0325
Total Cholesterol: 0
2 cups cold water
Number of Grams: 474
Total Moisture: 473.526
Total Calorie: 0
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 0
Total Ash: 0.474
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 14.22
Total Iron: 0
Total Magnesium: 4.74
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0.0474
Total Copper: 0.0474
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 0
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 0
Total FA_Poly: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
Vegetable oil
Number of Grams: 7
Total Moisture: 0
Total Calorie: 61.88
Protein: 0
Total Fat: 7
Total Ash: 0
Total Carbohydrate: 0
Total Fiber: 0
Total Sugar: 0
Total Calcium: 0
Total Iron: 0
Total Magnesium: 0
Total Phosphorus: 0
Total Sodium: 0
Total Zinc: 0
Total Copper: 0
Total Manganese: 0
Total Seleneium: 0
Total Vit_C: 0
Total Thiamin: 0
Total Riboflavin: 0
Total Vit_B6: 0
Total Folate_Tot: 0
Total Folic_Acid: 0
Total Food_Folate: 0
Total Folate_DFE: 0
Total Choline_Tot: 0
Total Vit_B12: 0
Total Vit_A_IU: 0
Total Vit_A_RAE: 0
Total Retinol: 0
Total Alpha_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Carot: 0
Total Beta_Crypt: 0
Total Lycopene: 0
Total Lut_Zea: 0
Total Vit_E: 1.526
Total Vit_D: 0
Total Vit_D_IU: 0
Total FA_Mono: 5.03937
Total FA_Poly: 1.19686
Total Cholesterol: 0